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Meet The Team


Saint Al's Toastmasters Club Mission:

Laughing, Learning, supporting and inspiring each other in speaking and leadership growth!

You can learn more about the Saint Al's Toastmasters Club Officers on our Blog page!

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Michael Swenson



Michael Swenson serves as chief executive officer of the club, and is responsible for operation and general supervision. Michael was one of this club’s founders (and first President). He has served as our Chairman of Mentoring (2018-19),  and earlier served as our Co-VP Membership and Chairman of Mentoring (2017-18), President (2015-16), Vice President Membership (2014-15), and Secretary (2013-2014).

Monte Hansen

Vice President - Education


Monty serves as the Vice President of Education. He is responsible for planning successful club meetings and providing members with the opportunity to achieve their educational goals. He has previously served as President (2018-19), VP Education (2017-18) and Treasurer (2016-17). Learn more about his Toastmasters journey on our blog page.




AlejAndro Anastasio

Vice President - Membership


AlejAndro Anastasio serves as the Vice President of Membership 1n 2018-19. His responsibilities were to conduct ongoing membership building programs and efforts and promote the mebership goals of the club. AlejAndro also served as VP Membership in 2017-18, and was President in 2013-14.

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Kyla Compton



Kyla Compton serves as our club's secretary. She is responsible for mainting accurate membership rosters and providing the treasurer a timeline of when to submit dues. Kyla is also responsible for all club files and updating headquarters of any officer changes..

Kari Taiclet



Kari Taiclet serves as our club's treasurer. She is responsible for preparing a budget, managing the club bank account and collecting all membership dues.

Sarah Bratley
Sergeant at Arms


Sarah currently serves as the Sergeant in Arms. She is responsible of maintaining club equipment, updating the meeting schedule and ensure everything is in working order for a successful meeting.  Sarah joined Saint Al's Toastmasters in 2012 and has achieved certification as an Advanced Communicator (Silver) and Advanced Leader (Bronze). Sarah has served as VP Education (2018-19), President (2017-18), VP Education and Secretary (2016-17), and Treasurer (2015-16). Learn more about her Toastmasters experience on our blog page.

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